Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Saturday, June 11, 2011

11 June 1861

Tuesday, 11th Arose this morn quite unwell. Read 3 chapt. in my Bible. Nothing of importance occurred to day.

Registry of Letters received 1861
June 11, T. D. Seawell

Friday, June 10, 2011

10 June 1861

June, Monday, 10th 1861 Arose quite unwell. Read in my Bible 3 chapt. Nothing of importance transpired to day. At night took some Medicine and retired.

Registry of Letters received 1861
June 10, M. L. Fike
June 10, Wm. Price

Thursday, June 9, 2011

9 June 1861

Sunday, 9th This morn went out to Pulaski to Bro. Nelson, several of us on a hand car. As we were going, a wild turkey stood upon the track till we ran up very close. Arrived at Pulaski at 7 in the morn. After breakfast, engaged in singing and talking till 3, then went to meeting. I preached for the first time since I have been in the army. I had my uniform on. My text was the 16 - 15 of St. Luke. After church we sang several songs or hymns. Took tea and sister Nelson informed me that some cherry pie on the table was made from cherries gathered at C. Rayhill's, St. Clair. Pulaski is 16 miles north of Cairo. After tea took a walk with the Ladies then returned to camp. Arrived at 11 in the night. Warm - 96 degrees.

Luke 16:15 from a bible printed in 1820. It belonged to Loren's cousin Adin Webb of Cortland, New York.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 June 1861

Saturday, 8th Eng. in reading B. 3 chapt. Engaged in brigade review of regiments. The general said our reg. excelled. To day the artillery exercised their guns in firing. Went in bathing. In the eve received a letter from H. C. Fike stating that several men had been shot at Mascoutah in row. Nothing of importance occurred here to day.

Registry of Letters received 1861
June 8, H. C. Fike
June 8, Mr. Myers

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7 June 1861

Friday, 7th E.i.r.B., then went to headquarters. Saw several acquaintances. Another burial this eve. of comp. C. A man of Col. Cooke's reg. was drowned this eve. in the Ohio. Weather warm with a shower in the eve. My health not very good yet. The artillery came down and fired their cannon very fast, several times. To day I had some pleasant moments of meditation. Tried to approach a throne of grace, and felt blest. Slept in our new quarters alone and held sweet converse with holy spirits. Remembered my absent friends.

Monday, June 6, 2011

6 June 1861

Thursday, 6th E.i. reading 2 chapt., then went up town. Saw T. D. Seawell  and his father. Brought them down to dinner with me. T. D. Seawell presented me a 5 shooting revolver. Received to day the picture of N. R. H. In the eve. obtained a hand car and in company with W. Hawley , G. Hurt, F. Lierce, went to Pulaski 16 miles from Cairo, to see Bro. Nelson and family. Had a pleasant visit till one in the night, then returned, W. Nelson returning with us. Two companies were out scouting. Found a deserted cavalry camp.

Registry of Letters received 1861
June 6, from H. Kim

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 June 1861

June, Wednesday, 5th 1861 Pleasant - E.I.R. 3 chapt. in the Bible. Had no drill but worked on our new barracks. This morn the man that was shot died. Was buried after noon, the whole regiment attending.   our camp received a keg of beer from Bellville. Had dress parade. I am still unwell. Attended officer meeting.

Registry of Letters received 1861
June 5, C. Rayhill, Mast.
June 5, W. Nelson, Walbridge

CMSR of Peter Geisel, 9 Ill Inf (RG94, e519)