Search The Diary of Loren Webb
Saturday, October 1, 2011
1 October 1861
October, Tuesday, 1st 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 28th Corth. 12th. To day we had officers meeting to council how we should promote the health of the soldiers. To day being the 1st Oct., we read the articles of war to the soldiers. Had battalion drill this afternoon. In the evening I had a private interview with Col. Mersy. He informed me that he was entirely unprejudiced toward me to do me harm, but would help me all he could. During the day I had felt rather out of humor to day owing to the ill humor of the Col.
[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols Camp Paine, Paducah Oct 1st, 1861
General Orders No 4 } Sergeant Sidney B. Philips of Company H is hereby appointed Sergeant Major of this Regiment, and will be obeyed and respected as such.
Augustus Mercy, Lieut Colonel Commanding
Friday, September 30, 2011
30 September 1861
Monday, 30th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 27th
Corth. 11th. To day we had inspection again. I commenced reading BayardTaylor's Travels Through Japan, China & India. Gen. Grant came to this
place from Cairo Camp Defiance to day. I saw to day 1738 lbs. of hard bread at
this place for the army when marching.
Sept. 30 to T. Kidd on same acct 1.00
Dr. to M. Rayhill on same acct 3.00
Wm Merrit dr. to L. Webb to Coffee 1.00
Sugar 1.00 2.00
Sept 30th Wm. Hawley to L. Webb dr. to cash
Thursday, September 29, 2011
29 September 1861
Sunday, 29th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 26 Corth. 10th. This morning I was relieved as officer of the day, but felt very much fatigued from the duties of last night. We had preaching to day at 4 o'clock P.M. The telegraphic to Gen. Smith states that Gen. Rosecrans had an engagement with Gen. Wise and defeated him completely. The citizens here of southern sympathies are rather still and look very bad over the news of the defeat of Gen. Wise.
Paid to M. Rayhill Sept 29 to cash 1.00
[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
General Order No. 13, Headquarters Ninth Regt. I. V. Mi.,
Camp Paine, Paducah. Ky, Sept 29th, 1861
Devine (sic) Service will be held in front of Regimental Headquarters at 4 o'clock P.M. this day. Dress Parade immediately after.
By Order of Aug Mersy, Lt. Col. Com.
General Order No. 14, Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols, Camp Paine, Paducah, Ky
Sept 29th, 1861
The Monthly Inspection of the troops called for by General Regulations will be made under the directions of Brigade General A. F. Smith at 4 o'clock P.M. on the 20 of Oct inst. Commandants of companies will see that their respective companies are in conformity to the above Order in front of regimental Head Quarters.
By order Aug Mercy
Paid to M. Rayhill Sept 29 to cash 1.00
[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
General Order No. 13, Headquarters Ninth Regt. I. V. Mi.,
Camp Paine, Paducah. Ky, Sept 29th, 1861
Devine (sic) Service will be held in front of Regimental Headquarters at 4 o'clock P.M. this day. Dress Parade immediately after.
By Order of Aug Mersy, Lt. Col. Com.
General Order No. 14, Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols, Camp Paine, Paducah, Ky
Sept 29th, 1861
The Monthly Inspection of the troops called for by General Regulations will be made under the directions of Brigade General A. F. Smith at 4 o'clock P.M. on the 20 of Oct inst. Commandants of companies will see that their respective companies are in conformity to the above Order in front of regimental Head Quarters.
By order Aug Mercy
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
28 September 1861
Saturday, 28th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 25th Corth. 9th.
To day I had to act as officer of the day. All was quiet through the day. A
rumor came in the evening that Fremont had taken Price at Lexington. We had
review by Gen. Smith this eve. At 12 o'clock P.M. I started with Maj. Phillips
to make the grand rounds on the picket guard line. Got back at 6 A.M. Rode Gen.
Paine's contraband pony.
Sept 28th H. H. Klock credit to cash in
board 2.00
27 September 1861
Friday, 27th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 24 Corth. 8. Engaged in drill this eve. Another large gun, 32 pndr. was mounted.
Sept 27 – 1861 paid to H. H. Clock for C. Saltmarsh to be credited on acct against me the sum of $2.50
Office Commissary of Subsistence. Paducah Ky, Sept 27th, 1861
To the Col's Commdg Regts at Paducah, Ky.
Gentlemen : Permit me to call you attention to the last clause of Note C in Subsistence Dept Army Regulations, "Ovens may be built or paid for by the Subsistence Dept." It is of the highest importance that the men should have plenty of good bread and the flour ration is ample if properly Cooked. On exchanging flour for bread at the private Baker's a large proportion is lost. I propose that you detail a number of men to build Ovens if as is probable you have masons in your Regts. Brick and Lime may be procured by requisition of the Subsistence Dept.
You no doubt have men who know how to bake bread. I would suggest that these men be detailed to bake for the Regt and to teach others so that we may be independent of private bakeries and save our rations. Especially in the future will we receive benefit by teaching the men how to bake their own bread as well as to cook the whole ration properly.
By order Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Head Quarters US Forces Paducah, Ky Sept 27th, 1861
General Orders No 1 } First Brigade. The 9th, 12th, 40th, and 41st Illinois Regiments, Buells Light Battery, and Thielmans Cavalry to be commanded by Brigadier General Eleazer A. Paine.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
26 September 1861
September, Thursday, 26th 1861 Pleasant.
E.I.R.B. Cron. 23 Corth. 7. Engaged in drilling to day. Had inspection by Col.
Mersy. Made out our pay acct. to day. To day we started the locomotive that was
left here by the rebels.
Sept - List of letters written by Capt L. Webb
26 E. H. Tepping, Springfield, Ills.
Sept 26 Daniel Blodget & Co., Brighton, Ills.
Sept 26 Allen Marshall, Brighton, Ills.
Sept 26 Daniel Blodget & Co., Brighton, Ills.
Sept 26 Allen Marshall, Brighton, Ills.
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