January, Wednesday, 1st 1862 Pleasant. This morning I went down into the city and got some beer for my company. Met several acquaintances from the cavalry. In the afternoon we had muster for pay and I sent off two of my pay rolls. In the eve I accompanied Miss Gibson to the seminary and while there had an interview with a drunken soldier. He drew his pistol and burst a cap, but the pistol did not fire. I then got the pistol from him and was not hurt by him.
Head Quarters Dept of the MO. St. Louis, Jany 1st, 1862
Special Orders No 1 } the resignation of James J. Ferree, Chaplain 9th Regt Ills. Vols. is hereby accepted to take effect Dec 1st, 1861.
By order Maj Genl Halleck
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky Jan 1st, 1862
Genl Order No 1 } xx That the troops may be paid as speedily as possible Comdg Officers of Regts and Corps will cause their muster and Pay rolls to be sent to the Paymaster at Cairo on the 3rd inst. This is their duty as pointed out in an order on the rolls. As the men will be paid on these rolls to the end of Dec care must be taken to put under the head of "to what time last paid" Aug 31st, 1861 or any previous date to that as the case may be. If the Officers Comdg. Companies and Regiments do their duty in the premises the Paymaster will be here in one week.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
January, Thursday, 2nd 1862 Rainy. I finished my muster rolls to day and had the cavalry man released that tried to shoot me. In the eve I attended a concert given by Miss Carrie Garrett.
Friday, 3d Rainy. This morning I went into the city then returned and spent the day in reading.
Saturday, 4th Rainy. The court met this morning, but adjourned till Monday. Nothing special transpired.
Genl. Order No 20, Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Paducah, Ky, Jan 4th, 1862
All the wagons and teams of this Brigade belonging to the infantry regiments will be paraded for inspection on the ground near the camp of the 12th Ill. Regiment every Sunday morning at Ten o'clock weather permitting. They will be inspected by the Brigade Qr. Master and Wagon Master.
By order of John McArthur, Col Comdg 1st Brigade
Sunday, 5th Rainy. This morning my throat is quite sore. I went to church and heard J. Moore preach. At dress parade this eve a rumor of an attack. Broke it up before we were through. I called on Miss Mollie Gibson this eve. I also made out charges to day by order of the Col. against 2 of my men.
Monday, 6th Pleasant. This morning the court martial met, tried the last case, then adjourned without day. In the eve we had a double quick march. At night I called on Miss Gibson, found Mollie Hendon quite sick. I thought this eve that I should spend occasionally an hour with the ladies that I might be enabled to form some opinion of the Ky. ladies.
Tuesday, 7th Pleasant. This morning I have a very sore throat. I took a lesson in the sword exercise also in the eve. To night Capt. Alallever from Cairo arrived. He was not quite recovered from his wound received at Bellmont.
Wednesday, 8th Rainy. This morning I go on as officer of the day. I took a lesson in the sword exercise. Lieut. Britt took sick quite suddenly. This eve I was detailed as president of a regimental court martial.
Special Order No 2, HeadQuarters 9th Reg, Paducah, Ky Jan 8th 1862
A Regimental Court Martial is hereby appointed to meet at Paducah, Ky on the 9th day of January or as soon as practicable for the trial of Augustus Leopult of Co. B and such other persons a may be deemed proper to bring before it. Detail for the court 1st Capt Loren Webb 2c Lieut Edward Cribs, 3a Lieut Patterson of Co. E. The court will meet without regard to hours. The junior member will record the proceedings.
Head Quarters U. S. Forces. Paducah, Ky., Jan 8th, 1862
General Order No 3 } Officers who receive the benefits of the General or Regimental Hospitals will pay for each days residing therein the value of one ration - to wit - thirty cents. This money to be taken up and accounted for as part of the Hospital Fund.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Thursday, 9th Rainy. This morning the regt. court met but adjourned because of marching orders which were to have 6 days rations and be ready at 4, but after were ordered to be ready at 8 on the 10th inst.
Comdg. Officer, 9th Ills Regt, Head Quarters 1st Brigade, Paducah, Ky, Jan 9th, 1862
You will have your command drawn up in readiness to march at 3.30 P.M. to day with two days rations of hard bread and bacon in haversacks and 4 days rations of hard bread and bacon in wagons - also twenty round of ammunition in boxes and twenty rounds extra in wagons.
By order of Col. John McArthur, Comdg 1st Brig.
General Order No 4, Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, Jan 9th, 1962
With the exception of the 40th Ills Regt. and the Provost Marshals Guard the troops will be in readiness tro move at 4 o'clock this afternoon taking two days rations of salt meat and hard bread in their haversacks - Four days rations will be taken in wagons - Each man will carry twenty rounds of ammunition in his cartridge box and twenty rounds as a reserve will be carried in the Co. Wagons. Commanders of Regiments will by personal inspection see that this and all other provisions of this order are carried out. No soldier will take with him more than his blanket and great coat and change of clothing in his knapsack.
One subaltern, and non-com officer and ten men will remain as guard for the Regimental property. One wagon for each Head Quarters and one wagon for each company will be taken. The baggage of the Regimental and Staff Officers will be limited to that authorized in Regulations - The wagon train of each Brigade will follow after the Brigade. Forage for 6 days will be carried. Note - Whether tents are to be taken or not will be made known later in the day.
By order Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Genl Order No. 5, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Jan 9th, 1862
The troops ordered to march in Genl Order No. 4 the (illigible) these Head Quatrs will be in readiness to March at 10 o'clock AM of the 10th inst as few tents as is needed for the men will be taken and the Com Officers of each Company will be allowed only one tent.
By Genl Order Genl C. F. Smith, Com.
Special Order No 9, Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, Jan 9th, 1862
The outposts, horse and foot, will rejopin their companies early tomorrow morning to leave their stations at 6 o'clock A.M. One company of cavalry from each Brigade will remain at the post. The Capt. To report to Col. Hicks, 40th Ills. Vols.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Friday, 10th Cloudy. This morning we were ordered to be in readiness to march at any time in an hour.
General Order No 4, Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Paducah, Ky, Jan 10th, 1862
The troops of this brigade ordered to march will form as follows : on Chestnut St. the right, resting on Broadway facing towards the river; the cavalry on the right the the 12th Ills., Buell's Battery and the 41st Ills in the order named - the 9th Ill. Will fall in rear of the 41st as the Brigade passes their camp.
By order of Col. John McArthur, Comdg 1st Brigade
Genl Order No. 6, Head Quarters WR Forces, Paducah, Ky, Jan 10, 1862
The troops ordered to march in Genl Order No 4 & 5 from this headquarters will hold themselves in readiness to march at 8 o'clock AM on the 11th inst.
By order of Brig Genl, Comd.
Circular, Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, Jan 10th, 1861
The march of the troops fixed for tomorrow is postponed until further orders. Let all be in readiness to move at an hours notice; keep always two days cooked food in haversacks.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Paducah Ky, Jan 10th, 1862
Condg. Officer 9th Ill Regt } You will keep your command in camp in readiness to fall in - awaiting further orders - teams may be unhitched.
By order of Col. John McArthur
Special Orders No 11. Head Quarters of U S Forces. Paducah, Ky Jan 10th 1862
The Rev J J Ferree, late Chaplain of the 9th Ills Regt, for publishing in a newspaper of extended circulation false and calumnious aspersions of the Comdg Genl which have created an unjust distrust in him on the part of some under his command, thus tending to impair his just authority, is ordered to quit the post by the first Steamer that passes either up or down and not to return to it - The Provost Marshall will enforce this order.
January, Saturday, 11th 1862 Cloudy and dark. To day the regimental court martial met. I was present. In the eve called on Miss Mollie Gibson. My throat is still quite sore and gives me some uneasiness.
Sunday, 12th This morning I attended church. In the eve I read all the book of Esther. At night I called on Miss Carrie Garrett. The news is to night that Gen. McClernand and Paine have marched from Cairo and are encamped within ten miles of Columbus.
Monday, 13th Cold and snowing. This morning I met the court and we set all day. In the eve we rec. marching orders for 8 o'clock, the 14th, but the order is reversed till the next day. I got three photographs to day of myself.
Head Quarters, District of Cairo. Cairo, Jan 13th, 1862
General Orders No 3 } During the absence of the expedition now starting upon soil hitherto occupied almost solely by the rebel enemy and where it is a fair inference that every stranger met, is our enemy, the following order will be observed. Troops in marching will be kept in the ranks. Company Officers being held strictly accountable for all stragglers from their companies. No firing will be allowed in camp, or on the march, not strictly required in the performance of duty. Whilst in camp no permit will be granted to officers or soldiers to leave their Regimental ground and all violations of this order must be promptly and summarily punished.
Disrepute having been brought upon our brave soldiers by the conduct of some of their number, showing on all occasions, where marching through territories occupied by sympathizers of the enemy, a total disregard for rights of citizens, and being guilty of wanton destruction of private property the General Comdg desires and intends to enforce a change in this respect. Interpreting confiscation acts, by troops themselves has a demoralizing effect, weakens them in exact proportion to the demoralization and makes open and armed enemies of many, who from opposite treatment would become friendly and at most non-Combatants. It is ordered therefore that the severest punishment be inflicted upon every soldier, who is guilty of taking or destroying private property, and of any Com. Officer guilty of like conduct, shall be deprived of his sword and be expelled from the camp, not to be permitted to return.
On the march Cavalry advance guards will be well thrown out, also flank guards of Cavalry or Infantry, where practicable. A rear guard of Infantry will be required to see that no teams, Baggage, or disabled soldiers are left behind.
It will be the duty of Company Commanders to see that the rolls of their companies are called immediately upon going into camp each day and every member accounted for.
By order U. S. Grant, Brig Genl Comdg.
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, Jan 13th, 1862
General Order No 7 } In addition to the rations on hand the troops will draw to day an additional supply for five days and be ready to march at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, Jan 13th, 1862
General Order No 8 } The march of the troops is postponed for the 24 hours - until 8 o'clock A.M. Wednesday Morning the 15th inst.
By order of Col. John M. McArthur
Tuesday, 14th E.I.R.B. Job 1-2-3. This morning the court met. We tried all the cases to day and adjourned. Lieut. Behlen resigned to day . We got orders to march at 8 on the morrow.
Jan 14 J. M. C. Stuble to L. Webb for Pr. Boots
Jan 14 James A. Fike to L. Webb Dec. and pr. Boots 5.00
Jan 14 John W. Dye to L. Webb Dec. and pr. Boots 5.00
Jan 14 Elnathan Cory to L. Webb Dec. and pr. Boots 5.00
Jan 14 John McGinnis to L. Webb Dec. and pr. Boots 5.00
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky., Jany 14th, 1862
Genl Order No 3 } The attention of all officers who are responsible for public property is called to the 36th Article of War. It has been brought to the notice of the Brig. Genl. Comdg that some Regimental Commanders in this command under the pretense of a gain in issuing have sold the Subsistence Stores placed in their hands for the distribution to the companies thus depriving the soldier of the benefit of his just due. The Government has been extremely liberal to the troops in reference to their food. The rations economically administered will produce a large saving for the benefit of the companies. Let the Commanders of Companies look to this, it is their duty. All rations saved are purchased by the Government and the amount forms a company fund to be expended by the Captain or Commander for increased comfort to the men (see Paragraph 205 Genl Regs for the Army).
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Wednesday, 15th Clear and cold. We left Paducah at 10 A.M. and marched about 12 miles toward Mayfield. At night it was very cold and the boys kept up a continual row all night. As we passed the old camp to day at Plumbly's, the band and men cheered heartily. The country to day was very poor and thinly settled.
Thursday, 16th Clear and cold in the morning but warmer in the eve. We marched to day to Mayfield Creek and then camped. The country was very poor and thinly settled. At night when we camped, some of co. G. brought the officers of our mess which are co. C and co. F, some chickens.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camp No 2, Jan 16th 1862
Comdg Officer 9th Ills Regt } Sir you will have reveille at 6 o'clock and be ready to march with your regiment right in front by 8 o'clock A.M. tomorrow morning the 17th isnt. Order of march 9th, 12th, 41st, Artillery, Cavalry, also please send in your morning reports as soon as possible.
By order of Col John McArthur
Friday, 17th The weather is cloudy and warm. Prospect of rain. We started early this morn, our regt. in advance of our Brigade. At Mayfield, which was 2 miles, we passed the 2d Brigade, so that our regt. was in advance of the whole force. The country this morning is a little better but very poor in the part we marched over in the afternoon. Some rebels fired at our advance cavalry to day but hurt no person. The cavalry captured 4 of them. We camped on Clark's Creek and it rained all night. I got some flour to day and we baked some warm bread for supper.
Head Quarters 9th Reg Ills Vols Cap Paine, Paducah, Ky Jan 17, 1862
General Order No 1 } Commanders of Companies will see that their respective commands, extra-duty men included, are prepared for muster and inspection at 2 ½ o'clock P.M. today at which time they will form on the Regimental Parade ground in front of the R. R. Depot without knapsacks in full parade uniform. Blue trousers, &c. &c.
By order of Col Aug Mersy, Commdg 9th Regiment
Saturday, 18th Rainy this morn and we start out in the mud. It continued to rain quite hard all day. We marched about 2 1/2 miles then stopped at a church where Clay King had had his head qrts. We had to wade creeks to day up to our waist and the mud was several inches deep all the time and rain falling, but the boys went forward wallowing as they went. We started again after resting and went about 2 1/2 miles more, then camped over night. I put some dry socks on and felt quite comfortable. I was appointed officer of the day and had quite a joke with the Col. about some contraband chickens. Co. C was rear guard to day and did not get into camp to night on account of the teams not being able to get along. I think it is the worst marching I ever experienced. The rain ceased at sundown.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camo No 3, Jan 18th, 1862
Comdg Officer 9th Ill Regt } You will at once send back to assist the teams mired on the road; all your teams except the wheel mules.
By order of Col John McArthur
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camo 5 miles from Murray, Ky, Jan 18th, 1862
The troops will fall in when the order to march is given in the following order, viz : One company of the 2nd Ills Cavalry, one company 41st Ills Regt - 41st Ills Regt - Artillery - 9th Ills Regt, 12 th Ills Regt - Wagon Train - one company 12th Ills Regt - one company 2nd Ills Cavalry. The troops will move at 8.3 o'clock A.M.
By order of Col John McArthur.
January, Sunday, 19th 1862 This morn the clouds fly high but no rain. I read the 4th chapt. of Job this morn. I am not well, was quite sick all night, but done my duty as officer of the day. Our teams went after those behind this morn. The country is quite poor. Every thing dreary and it seems not at all like Sunday. The 2nd Brigade being so far behind that we laid by to day and it was very fortunate for me for I was quite sick all day and all night. It rained until nearly noon then ceased so we had a chance to dry our blankets and get ready for to march to morrow.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camp 5 miles from Murray, Jan 19th, 1862
Comdg Officer 9th Ills Regt } You will immediately send out a patrol of one Lieut. And (10) ten men to visit the farm houses in a north-westerly direction from your camp and arrest all soldiers found away from their regimental grounds. Also if you have not a Camp Guard stationed put one on immediately and allow no one to leave the camp. Also detail one Lieut and fifteen (15) men for Picket Guard to relieve a squad from the 41st at 6 o’clock this P.M. The station is on the road about a half mile in advance of the camp.
By order of Col. John McArthur, Comdg 1st Brig.
Monday, 20th We marched again this morning at 9 A.M. We passed through a little better country and less mud. We marched about 11 miles and camped at 3 P.M. to wait for-the 2nd Brigade. We passed a detachment of the 2nd Brigade that came up on boats. They were at Murray. The weather to day is pleasant. My health much improved.
Head Quarters US Forces. Camp No 5, Ky, Jan 20th, 1862
Genl Order No 10 } The troops will march at 8 o'clock A.M. tomorrow the 2nd Brigade leading.
2nd Brigade : Cavalry, 1 Regt Infantry, Battery, 2 Regt Infantry, Wagon Train, 1 Company Infantry, Cavalry
1st Brigade : 1 Company Cavalry, 1 Company Infantry (advance guard), Wagon Train, 2 ½ Regts Infantry, Battery, 4 Companys Infantry, Cavalry.
By order of Brig Genl Smith, Comdg
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camp No 5, Ky, Jan 20th, 1862
The 1st Brigade will march tomorrow in the following order : One Company of Cavalry & One Company 9th Regt Ills Vols (advance guard), Wagin Train, 9th Regt Ills Vols, 12th Regt Ills Vols, 4 Companies 41st Ills Regt, Battery, 4 Companies 41st Ills Regt, Cavalry.
By order of Col John McArthur
Head Quarters Dist of Cairo. Cairo, Ills, Jan 20, 1862
Circular } Commanders of Regiments will report to these Head Qrs. Without delay the names of River and Seafaring men of their command who are willing to transfer from the Military to the Gunboat Service. Seeing the importance of filling out Gunboats as speedily as possible, it is hopes, there will be no delay or objections by company or regimental commanders in responding to this call. Men thus volunteering will be discharged at the end of one year, or at the end of the War should it terminate sooner.
By order U. S. Grant, Brig Genl Comdg
Tuesday, 21st Pleasant. This morning the 2nd Brigade came up and passed us. Then we started. It was about 9 A.M. The roads were bad, the country very poor. We arrested some men to day and the women cried terribly. We arrived at the Tenn. River about 4 P.M. and went into camp. We found a boat waiting with provisions for us here.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camp No 6, Jan 21st, 1862
The 1st Brigade will march in the following order : 1 Company Cavalry, 1 Company 12th Ills Regt, Wagon Train, 12th Ills Regt, 41st Ills Regt, 4 Companies 9th Ills Regt, Battery, 5 Companies 9th Ills Regt, Cavalry.
By order Col John McArthur, Comdg Brigade
Head Quarters US Forces, Camp on the Tennessee 20 Miles below Fort Henry.
Calloway Co, Ky, Jan 21st, 1862
General Order } the troops will be in readiness to march at 9 o'clock A.M. tomorrow the 22nd inst. They will march in the same order as today.
Head Quarters US Forces, Camp on the Tennessee 20 Miles below Fort Henry.
Calloway Co, Ky, Jan 21st, 1862
General Order } The order for the march of the troops tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock is countermanded. The troops will not march until further orders.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Head Quarters US Forces, Camp No 6, Ky, Jan 21st, 1862
Circular } the Surgeons of the respective Regiments will immediately examine all the men under their charge (command) and report such as may be unfit to march in order that they may be sent to Paducah by steamer.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Wednesday, 22nd Pleasant. To day we did not march but remained in camp. our gun boat gave a chase to a rebel gun boat this morn but could not over take her. I went down to the river this morning and went aboard of the gun boat. They went up to Fort Henry, Gen. Smith aboard, and fired a few shots into the Fort. The sick were sent home on the boat this morning. We had some corn bread and honey to day, quite a rarity. We drew 7 days rations to day.
Hd Qrs US Forces, Camp on the Tennessee 20 Miles below Fort Henry.
Calloway Co, Ky, Jan 22st, 1862 (extract)
General Order } The troops will march at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning the 2nd Brigade leading - the 1st Brigade will march in the order indicated in the order issued last evening.
By order of Col McArthur, Comdg 1st Brigade
Thursday, 23d Pleasant. This morning the columns moved at 8 A.M. but the rear guard did not get out of the bottom until 1 P.M., then we had good roads and marched about 14 miles. The country was a hilly unsettled wilderness. The rebel gun boat came down and shelled our camp after we left. We learned to day that Gen. Thomas had attacked Gen. Zolicoffer, defeated and killed him. The night was clear and cold.
Head Quarters I Brigade. Camp No 7, Ky, Jany 23, 1862
Genl Order No } The troops will march at 7 o'clock A.M. tomorrow the 24th inst in the following order : 1 Co cavalry, 1 Co 41st Regt (advance guard), Wagon Train, 41st Regiment, 9th Regt, 4 Co's 12th Regt, battery, 5 Cos 12 Regt, Cavalry.
By order of Col John McArthur
January, Friday, 24th 1862 Pleasant. We started this morning at 8 A.M. and passed the 2d Brigade. After marching 4 miles we passed through poor country but good roads and camped after marching about 20 m. I saw Gen. Smith to day and spoke to him. The night was pleasant.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Camp No 8, Ky, Jan 24thy, 1862
The 1st Brigade will march at 8 o'clock A.M. tomorrow the 25th in the following order : 3 Co's Cavalry, 9th Regt with one Comp in advance, Battery, 12 th Regt, 41st Regt, Wagon Train, 1 Co 41st Regt, 1 Co Cavalry.
By order Col John McArthur, Comdg
Saturday, 25th Pleasant. We marched at 8 A.M. Our regt led the van. We found better country and good roads. I saw to day Miss Mollie Gibson. We crossed Clark River at noon. The bridge was very dangerous but no accident. We reached Paducah at 3 P.M. after marching 15 miles. The boys were in good spirits. I then gave them a keg of beer. We have marched over 100 miles passing through McCracken, Graves and Marshall counties. The country is generally very poor and barren.
Sunday, 26th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Job 5-6-7-8. This morning I attended church and heard the Chaplain of the 2d Ills. cavalry preach. We witnessed the payrolls to day. In the eve I called on Miss Carrie Garrett.
Monday, 27th Pleasant. This morning the court martial convened and we tried one case. In the afternoon the paymaster came and we were all paid off. I rec. 525.00.
Tuesday, 28th Pleasant till evening then it rained. This morning the court adjourned without day. I went to town and purchased a cap and pants. In the eve we bought a mess chest.
Jan. 28 sent to Francis D. Webb, Plymouth, Ind 25.00
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Paducah, Ky., Jan 28th, 1862.
General Order No 5 } All soldiers arrested by the patrol for being outside the limits of their respective camps on the night of the 19th January while on the late expedition and against whom no charges have been preferred, but who are still under arrest will be released and restored to duty.
By order of Col John McArthur, Condg 1st Brigade
Wednesday, 29th E.I.R.B. Job 9-10-11-12-13-14. This morning it rained then turned to snow and snowed quite hard till night, then turned cold. I am officer of the day to day. We had much trouble with the men to day. They had money, got liquor. One of the 23 Ind. was shot by the guard. I sent 120 dols. to H. C. Fike to day by Mrs. Britt, 100.00 to father, 25 to brother Francis.
Head Quarters 1st Brigade U.S.F. Paducah, Ky, Jan 29th, 1862
Commanders of Regiments and corps will immediately call in all soldiers belonging to their command now outside of their Regimental lines and keep them in their camp. All violating this order will be severely punished.
By order of Col John McArthur, Comdg 1st Brigade
Thursday, 30th Cold. E.I.R.B. Job 15-16-17-18-19. Nothing of importance occurred to day. All is quiet. Capt. Adams is under arrest.
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky, January 30th, 1862
General Order No 12 } The monthly inspection of the troops called for the General Regulations will be made tomorrow by the Commanding Officers of Regiments and Corps under the supervision of Brigade Commanders, at such time as they may approve.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith
Head Quarters 1st Brigade. Paducah, Ky, Jan 30th, 1862
General Order No 7 (extract) } In obedience to General Order No 12 current series from Head Quarters US Forces Paducah, Ky, commanders of regiments and corps in this Brigade will have their commands drawn up in readiness for inspection at their respective camps at the following hours viz :
9th Ills Regt at 9 o'clock AM. Jan 31st, 1862
By order of Col John McArthur, Comdg 1st Brigade
Genl Order No. 5, Head Quarters 9th Regt. Ill. Vols., Paducah. Ky, 30th 1862
Pursuant to General Orders of January 30th 1862, pursuant to General Order No. 12 of an order from Brigade Headquarters No. 7. the Regiment will be formed for Monthly inspection by the Colonel Commanding the Brigade tomorrow morning at 8 ½ o'clock A.M. The Colonel Commanding requires that the Company Commanders will see that their Companies are in proper order for inspection. The Company will come out in full field equipments, overcoats in their knapsacks.
By Order.
Head Quarters Dept of the Mo., St. Louis, Mo, Jany 30th, 1862
Special Orders No 97 (extract) } 5. The resignation of 2nd Lieut Wm. H. Bohlen, 9th Ills Vols, is hereby accepted to take effect this day.
By order of Major Genl Halleck
Army of the United States. Certificate of Disability for Discharge.
Jackson Greathouse, a private, of Captain Loren Webb’s Company, (F), of the Ninth Regiment of Illinois Vols. was enlisted by E. N. Robinson of the Ninth Regiment of Illinois Vols. at Paducah, Ky. On the 15th day of September, 1861, to serve three years; he was born in Murfreesboro in
the State of Illinois, in nineteen years of age, five feet four inches high, fair complexion, dark eyes, light hair, and by occupation when enlisted a Farmer. During the last two months, said soldier has been unfit for duty forty days. The above named Jackson M. Greathouse has
sore eyes and upon inquiry find that several of his family connection are similarly afflicted even to blindness and think it is hereditary. He is entirely unfit for service.
Station: Paducah, Ky.
Date: Jan. 30th, 1862
(signed) Loren Webb
Friday, 31st Cloudy and cold. E.I.R.B. Job 20-21-22. Every thing is remarkably quiet this morning. We had monthly inspection by Col. McArthur. I was in my tent all day to day. Both my Lieuts. were on duty so I remained here all day. Wrote home letters and read the papers.
Head Quarters US Forces. Paducah, Ky., Jany 31st, 1862
Genl Order No 13 } 1st - The Monthly Returns of Comps ought to be sent into this Hd Qrs of their Regts with the Morning Reports of the first day of each month. Nothing but sheer neglect on the part of the Comdg. Officers of Companies will prevent this. If the Comdg Officer is fit for his place he will see that this duty is performed or the officer arrested and held under charges for his neglect. With the Company Monthly Returns thus in, the Comdrs of Regts ought to have the Regimental Monthly Returns consolidated and sent to Brigade Hd. Qrs. certainly the 3rd day of the month. Although an entire month has passed the monthly Returns of Troops for December are not yet in. This neglect is shameful.
2nd - Regimental Commanders will see that every order received from superior authority is published on the 1st Parade or suitable opportunity after being received.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith