Sunday, 18th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Jerm. from 20 to 29th chapt. This morning we advanced about 1/2 mile and made breast works and works for artillery. Continual skirmishing too place to day on the picket line. Several rebels were killed. Gen. Grant, Gen. Thomas and Gen. Davis were along the line viewing the earth works. Some more prisoners were released to day by the rebels and came to our lines. They report the rebels short of rations and eating mule meat, also a large number under guard for mutiny. Several deserters came in to day seemingly glad to escape.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 18 In complience (sic) with orders the Regt marched forward ½ mile further this morning and threw up intrenchments (sic); 12th Ill on the left & 14 Mo in the rear & Hurlburts Div on the right of the 9 Ill Regt.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Hd. Qrs. 2d Brigade May 18, 1862
Commanding Officer 9th Ills. Vols. } Sir : - You will have the teams of your Regiment go to the River tonight or early tomorrow for forage and provisions.
By order of Brig. Gen. Oglesby
Search The Diary of Loren Webb
Friday, May 18, 2012
17 May 1862
Saturday, 17th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Jeremiah from 10th to 21 chapt. This morning considerable firing on the Picket line. A man shot himself purposely of the 12th Ills. This eve we marched forward, also the whole Division and formed in line of battle and lay on our arms all night. Just at sundown, Gen. Hurlburt with two pieces of cannon drove the rebels from a creek and took possession. 5 rebels and two Union soldiers killed. All was quiet during the night.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 17 In obedience to Orders the 9 Regt moved forward ½ mile today bivouacked in order of battle in the night in a large open field.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Hd. Qrs. 2nd Division May 17th, 1862
The Division will be prepared to move forward and bivouac Regt. lines will be formed at 3-30 P.M. with knapsacks. Tents will be brought forward tomorrow. Ammunition trains will follow the artillery.
By order T. A. Davies, Brug. Genl. Comdg. 2d Div.
Hd. Qrs. 2nd Division May 17th, 1862
In compliance with General Order of the 16th each man will have two (2) days cooked rations in haversacks. Leave a small guard of convalescents in charge of camp.
By order R. J. Oglesby, Brig. Genl. Comdg.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 17 In obedience to Orders the 9 Regt moved forward ½ mile today bivouacked in order of battle in the night in a large open field.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Hd. Qrs. 2nd Division May 17th, 1862
The Division will be prepared to move forward and bivouac Regt. lines will be formed at 3-30 P.M. with knapsacks. Tents will be brought forward tomorrow. Ammunition trains will follow the artillery.
By order T. A. Davies, Brug. Genl. Comdg. 2d Div.
Hd. Qrs. 2nd Division May 17th, 1862
In compliance with General Order of the 16th each man will have two (2) days cooked rations in haversacks. Leave a small guard of convalescents in charge of camp.
By order R. J. Oglesby, Brig. Genl. Comdg.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
16 May 1862
Friday, 16th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Jerm. first 10 chapters. This morning we were up and on arms at 4. Heavy skirmishing took place to day with the pickets. Several were killed and wounded. We had grand Division drill again to day. Gen. Halleck was riding along the line to day. Quite a number of our prisoners were released to day and came in.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Hd Qrts 2nd Division May 16th, 1862
Brig Gen. Oglesby, Sir : You will keep constantly on hand two (2) days cooked provision sufficient for your command.
By order Thos. A. Davies, Brig Gen. Comdg. 2d Div
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Hd Qrts 2nd Division May 16th, 1862
Brig Gen. Oglesby, Sir : You will keep constantly on hand two (2) days cooked provision sufficient for your command.
By order Thos. A. Davies, Brig Gen. Comdg. 2d Div
15 May 1862
Thursday, 15th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Isaiah 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. This morning we were up again and laid on arms from 4 o'clock till 6, but no enemy came. We had division drill again to day and it was really interesting to make the evolutions of battle. Three deserters came in to day. They state that rations are scarce in the rebel camp. We were ordered to move to night and moved up on a line with the Brigade and pitched tents so as to be ready in time of battle if an attack is made. Water is very scarce and bad when we get it. Rumor is that the rebels are ready to march with five days rations, perhaps to attack us.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 15 Regt moved forward about 400 yards this evening to connect with Hulbert’s Divis.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 2nd Division. May 15th 1862
Special Order No 36 } This Division will move forward to day and hold themselves in readiness for further Orders. No teams will go to the river.
By order Thos A. Davies, Brig. Gen Comdg 2nd Div
Hd Qrts. 2nd Division May 15th 1862
General Order No. 8 } You will cause the Colonels of each Regt in each Brigade to have the Rolls of their Regiments called by Companies at least 4 times a day at unknown times & not at regular times and any man found absent from his regimental lines will be put on 5 days fatigue duty without extra pay on the first fatigue detail needed in the Regiment, men on duty excepted. Their reason of this order must be apparent to every Colonel while in the face of the enemy and the Colonels will be held responsible that this order is carried out. You will arrest and prefer charges against any Colonel disobeying it.
By order of Thos. A. Davies, Brig. Genl. Comdg Div
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 15 Regt moved forward about 400 yards this evening to connect with Hulbert’s Divis.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 2nd Division. May 15th 1862
Special Order No 36 } This Division will move forward to day and hold themselves in readiness for further Orders. No teams will go to the river.
By order Thos A. Davies, Brig. Gen Comdg 2nd Div
Hd Qrts. 2nd Division May 15th 1862
General Order No. 8 } You will cause the Colonels of each Regt in each Brigade to have the Rolls of their Regiments called by Companies at least 4 times a day at unknown times & not at regular times and any man found absent from his regimental lines will be put on 5 days fatigue duty without extra pay on the first fatigue detail needed in the Regiment, men on duty excepted. Their reason of this order must be apparent to every Colonel while in the face of the enemy and the Colonels will be held responsible that this order is carried out. You will arrest and prefer charges against any Colonel disobeying it.
By order of Thos. A. Davies, Brig. Genl. Comdg Div
Monday, May 14, 2012
14 May 1862
May, Wednesday, 14th 1862 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Isaiah from 48th to 60th. This morning at 3 A.M. I aroused the regt. by order of the Col. as I was officer of the camp and we lay on our arms till morning. There was some firing on the picket line but not any alarm. This afternoon we were ordered out to drill. Gen. Davis had out his whole Division and performed the evolutions of a battle and the cavalry made a charge while we were changing. While we were drilling, quite a skirmish and some cannonading took place on our right wing. Gen. Davis appears to be a fine military man and has inspired his Division with much confidence. We learned to day that the Forts are all abandoned, and that we have possession of the Miss. River from its source to its mouth, so says Halleck's bulletin. We now are encamped on Miss. soil.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Qrs. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. In the field May 14th, 1862
General Orders No 15 } Commanders of Regts will at Three & ½ o'clock this P.M. form their respective commands on their color line with arms & accoutrements for exercise in Evolution of the line.
By Command of Brig Genl R. J. Oglesby
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Qrs. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. In the field May 14th, 1862
General Orders No 15 } Commanders of Regts will at Three & ½ o'clock this P.M. form their respective commands on their color line with arms & accoutrements for exercise in Evolution of the line.
By Command of Brig Genl R. J. Oglesby
Sunday, May 13, 2012
13 May 1862
Tuesday, 13th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Isaiah 41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48 chapters. At 12 M. we were ordered to march and Gen. Davis's div. So advanced 2 1/2 miles and within 4 miles of Corinth and pitched our tents in the wilderness, then our train went to the river after rations.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 13 In obedience to Brig Orders the 9 Ill Regt moved 2 miles forward today & went into Camp.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 2nd Brigade. Army of the Tenn. May 13th, 1862
General Order No 14 } Commander of Regiments will prepare their commands to move immediately arms, accoutrements & knapsacks. Each Regt. will parade on its color line & wait further orders. The baggage and ammunition trains will follow in the order observed in the march to this camp. The Grand Guard will be called in to march as an advance guard. 5 men from each Regt will be detailed with axes under a non-com-officer to report to these Head Qrs. immediately. The 14th Mo. Will detail a Lieutenant to command the fatigue party.
By order R. J. Oglesby, Brig. Genl. Comdg.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 13 In obedience to Brig Orders the 9 Ill Regt moved 2 miles forward today & went into Camp.
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 2nd Brigade. Army of the Tenn. May 13th, 1862
General Order No 14 } Commander of Regiments will prepare their commands to move immediately arms, accoutrements & knapsacks. Each Regt. will parade on its color line & wait further orders. The baggage and ammunition trains will follow in the order observed in the march to this camp. The Grand Guard will be called in to march as an advance guard. 5 men from each Regt will be detailed with axes under a non-com-officer to report to these Head Qrs. immediately. The 14th Mo. Will detail a Lieutenant to command the fatigue party.
By order R. J. Oglesby, Brig. Genl. Comdg.
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