Search The Diary of Loren Webb
Saturday, June 2, 2012
2 June 1862
Monday, 2nd Rainy most of the time. E.I.R.B. Zephaniah & Haggai. This morning news came that several 1000 prisoners had been taken. Some Locomotives and cars were captured. Every thing is quiet to day. orders came this evening to be ready to march with two days rations and without baggage. I was detailed as Capt. of the grand guard, but the guard was excused on account of orders to march.
Rec. on deposit of R. L. Simpkins June 2nd, 1862 42.00
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Quarters 2nd Division June 2d 1862
Special Order No 55 } This command will keep on hand two days cooked rations - 40 rounds in cartridge boxes with one loaded ammunition wagon for regiment and be prepared to march at a moment's warning without baggage.
By order of Brig. Gen. T. A. Davies, Comdg 2nd Division
1 June 1862
June, Sunday, 1st 1862 Pleasant in the morning but rainy in the eve. E.I.R.B. Nahum 3d, Habakkuk. This morning there was some skirmishing in front. The rebels burned the bridge over Tuscumbia creek so that we cannot cross. The Pay master arrived to day and paid our regt. The boys sent home a great deal of money. Our co. sent near 1300.00. 1 sent to H. C. Fike 255.00. I learned to day that Gen. Mitchel had taken 4000 rebels and 10000 stand of arms. To day was but little like sabbath to me.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
31 May 1862
Saturday, 31st Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Nahum 1-2d. This morning early we marched, but could not go fast because the trains were slow. We stopped about noon and I went to the 4 Minn. and saw my brother Luther, the first time for 10 months. I learned that my brother-in-law George Van Syckle had died about two weeks since at Hamburg Landing. I was very [sad] to learn this, but he was much loved by all. My brother is well and is well liked. I saw Mr. Brinkerhoof and several others. His son was also there. They are in the 48 Ind. My brother is of co. D. We had some skirmishing with the enemy's rear guard to day. We had two or three killed. Gen. Paine has the advance.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 31 In obedience to Brig Orders the Regt marched forward about 3 miles today and went into camp near the Mobile & Ohio R. R. track.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 31 In obedience to Brig Orders the Regt marched forward about 3 miles today and went into camp near the Mobile & Ohio R. R. track.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
30 May 1862
Friday, 30th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Obadiah, Jonah, Micah. This morning our pickets saw no rebel pickets and so they advanced and found that the rebels had evacuated the place. Corinth is evacuated was soon shouted through the camp. Our forces of Sherman's divis. advanced and gave chase. We were ordered to put 3 days rations in our haversacks and then started. We camped near Hamburg. I saw several generals, Bob McCook & Fry. We camped in the open field without tents.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 30 Corinth having been evacuated last night the 9 Regt in complience (sic) with orders marched toward the left of our lines. The whole division being attached to Popes Army Corps marched out 7 miles and bivouacked for the night.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 30 Corinth having been evacuated last night the 9 Regt in complience (sic) with orders marched toward the left of our lines. The whole division being attached to Popes Army Corps marched out 7 miles and bivouacked for the night.
29 May 1862
Thursday, 29th Pleasant but quite warm. E.I.R.B. the books of Joel & Amos. We were aroused in the night by the report of cannon but no arrival of the rebels. At 10 A.M. heavy cannonading commenced on the left wing. We marched forward to the breast works which Hurlburt's divis. had built and remained there over night.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]'
May 29 In compliance with Brig Orders the Regt moved forward and bivouacked for the night in the intrenchments (sic) thrown up by the 1 Brig.
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]'
May 29 In compliance with Brig Orders the Regt moved forward and bivouacked for the night in the intrenchments (sic) thrown up by the 1 Brig.
28 May 1862
Wednesday, 28th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. the entire book of Hosea. Gen. Hurlburt advanced to day with his division and had a pretty sharp skirmish. Two rebel regts. attacked but were repulsed by a battery. Gen. Paine on the left also advanced and had quite a battle but drove the rebels with quite a loss on their side. Heavy cannonading was heard in that direction for several hours, but we have not heard here yet what the result is. I enjoyed myself very well spiritually to day, but can find no place for secret devotion in retirement.
27 May 1862
Tuesday, 27th Pleasant. I went up the pole to day that had been put up here but could not make any very important discoveries. I could see the location of the rebel camps but not their works or Batteries.
26 May 1862
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NARA RG94 (AGO), entry 519a, CMSR (Illinois) |
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