Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Saturday, November 12, 2011

12 November 1861

Tuesday, 12th Some additional rumors to day about the late battle. I am engaged making out pay rolls. In the afternoon we had battalion drill. To day my over coat came; very nice one. Cost is forty dollars.

Nov – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 12, Charles Lindsay, Waukegan, Ills., sent Nov 9
November 12, L. C. Hagler, Troy, Ills., sent Nov 8
November 12, Conference Arts(?) Pennie R.(?), Belleville, Ills., sent Nov 8

Nov – 1861 List of Letters written by Capt. L. Webb Co F 9 Regt
November 12, Miss Annie Mitchel, Belleville, Ills.

[orders and circulars, Loren would, or should have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

General Order No 29, Head Quarters 9th regt Ill Vol, Camp Paine, Paducah, Ky, Nov 12th, 1861
The attention of the Commanders of Companies is called to paragraph No 115 Army Regulations in reference to uniform &c of soldiers.  The Col commanding Regt expects in future to see no soldier in camp wearing citizen's dress.  For Guard Duty the uniform will always be worn & the fatigue dress on fatigue parties.
By order Lt Col Aug Mersy, Comd

Friday, November 11, 2011

11 November 1861

Monday, 11th Pleasant. Nothing of importance to day. Skirmishing a part of the time. Making out pay rolls &c. Gen. Smith issued an order to day severely criticizing the conduct of the regt. on the march to Melbourne, except the 9th & 12th.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

General Order No. 33, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Nov 11th, 1861
Reports of the most painful character having reached the Commanding General from different sources in regard to the conduct of a portion of the troops who recently marched to Milburn, under the command (of) Brig. Genl Paine.
The imputations are the most discreditable and most disgraceful character to them as soldiers or citizens. That in returning several Regiments, the 9th and 12th Ills excepted, straggled home in parties without the semblance of military array. A mere armed mob, and that the property of citizens was wantonly destroyed and in some instances robbery by violence committed.
Such conduct implies a want of discipline that he can scarcely credit and he calls upon the Brigade and other Commanders to use their utmost endeavors to remedy such a state of things, That unmerited censure may not attach to any one the commanding General intends to ask for a legal investigation into the conduct of all concerned.
This order will be read at the head of every company on camp.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 November 1861

Sunday, 10th Pleasant. Nothing of importance occurred to day. I received my commission this morning. Had dress parade this eve.

Nov – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 10, Carlton Ruggles, Milan, Ohio, sent Nov 3

Nov – 1861 List of Letters written by Capt. L. Webb Co F 9 Regt
November 10, C. Rayhill,. Mascoutah, Ills.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

9 November 1861

November, Saturday, 9th 1861 Pleasant. This morning we rec. some provisions by the teams that we sent to relieve us. We then marched again reaching Paducah at 3 P.M. making a march of about 65 miles in 3 days. Many of the boys fell to the rear, especially of the 40th, and were scattered very much. Our regt. marched very well. We received a report at our arrival that our boys under Grant had taken the rebel battery at Belmont, then retreated before reinforcement of 10,000. Col. Doughtery was wounded, lost one leg, was taken prisoner and is at Columbus. Our loss was near 200, the rebels about 500. We brought two guns, spiked two, threw two in the river. Had we got there in time we could have taken the city.

Nov – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 9, C. Rayhill, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Nov 5
November 9, Annie Mitchell, Belleville, Ills., sent Nov 6
November 9, Miss Evaline Webb, Roscoe, Minn., sent Oct 20
November 9, Oliver Webb, Roscoe, Minn., sent Oct 20

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8 November 1861

Friday, 8th Pleasant. This morning we headed again for Paducah. The boys were very much disappointed, for all the day previous the cannon had been roaring at Columbus and we expected to go there in the morning, consequently the 22d Ind. regt. who were at Viola, were sent for to join us at Melbourne, but during the night the cannonading ceased. By a messenger we learned that our boys had taken the battery at Belmont then retreated before a superior force. So we marched back to the place where we camped the night previous and camped. Gen. Paine commanded the forces.

Nov. 8 borrowed of Korn cash 10.00

Monday, November 7, 2011

7 November 1861

Thursday, 7th Pleasant. This morning we started at sunrise, marched till 12 then found we had marched 2 miles out of the way. We stopped, ate dinner, got fresh water, then retraced our steps. Took the right road toward Melbourne at which place we arrived at 8 1/2 in the eve. We ate supper, then bed down to sleep. The people killed some hogs for us which was very acceptable.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

6 November 1861

Wednesday, 6th Pleasant. This morning nothing of importance occurred till noon. At that time we were ordered to be ready to march with three days rations by two o'clock. At that time we paraded at Gen. Smith's headqrts. 8 co.s of the 9th, 6 of the 12th, 7 of the 40th, 9 of the 41st, 4 pieces of Buell's Battery and Capt. Withers Geilman's Cavalry. The companies were only about 65 strong on an average. At 3 P.M. we marched west 12 miles that night then camped. The next day we went to Melbourne.

Nov – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 6, H. C. Fike, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Nov 2
November 6, H. C. Fike, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Nov 5

[orders and circulars Loren should, or would, seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Special Order No 85, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, November 6th, 1861
Leaving one Company for each regiment and one section of Artillery for the protection of the Regimental Camps, the Ist Brigade will parade in full marching order at 2 o'clock P. M. today in front of these Head Quarters with cooked rations in haversacks for three days.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Brigade Order No 12, Head Quarters 1st Brigade, Paducah, Ky, Nov 6th, 1861
In obedience to the above order [SO 85] the 9th, 12th, 40th & 41st Regiments with two sections of Buells Battery amd Thielemanns Dragoons will be paraded in front of the Head quarters of Gen. Smith, precisely at 2 o'clock P.M. today with three days rations, cooked rations in haversacks without transportations.  Comdg Officers of Regiments will detail one Company from  each command to remain in their respective Camps, the Captains of said companies taking command of their Camps respectively.  A sergeant and 10 men of Thielemann's Dragoons will be detailed to reamin in camp to take charge of the same.
By order of Brig Genl E. Paine

[Record of Events, F Co, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]

By order of Gen. Com'd. We marched on the 6 of Nov, and proceeded as far as Milbourne then returned…