Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Friday, October 7, 2011

7 October 1861

Monday, 7th Pleasant. This morning I was detailed for officer of the day and had no time to read my bible. This morning there was heavy firing heard in the vicinity of Columbus. The rumor came also of the surrender of New Orleans. The Ohio River is rising very fast here and is doing some damage here.

[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Oct 7th, 1861, Special Order No 55
A garrison in face of an enemy liable to attack at any moment is no place for Women and Children.  Commanders of Brigades will therefore require the immediate departure from this post of the families of Officers and soldiers should there be any within the limits of the command.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Head Quarters US Forces  Paducah, Ky
Oct 7th, 1861
Lieutenant Colonel Mersy Commanding 9th Regiment Ills Vol } Dear Sir : In accordance to order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith commanding at Paducah, the Regimental Commissary will until further orders estimate for one ration of Pilot bread to two rations of flour.  Will you please observe that this returns are made out in accordance with this order.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

6 October 1861

Sunday, 6th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 4th II Corth. 1st. To day being Sunday, we had no school, nor drill. Engaged in writing and reading. Our Chaplain being absent, we had no church to day.

Oct – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
October 6, E. H. Topping, Springfield, Ills, sent Oct 3

Oct – 1861 List of Letters written by Capt. L. Webb
October 6, Lester A. Webb, Washington, DC
October 6, E. H. Topping, Springfield, Ills.
October 6, H. richardson, Mascoutah, Ills.

[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Circular, Camp Paine, Paducah, Ky, Oct 6th, 1861
That due prepartions may be made by all concerned the Brigadier Genl Commanding desires it to be understood that it is his intention to apply for a military board for the examination of the officers of this command (Sec part 2nd of Order No. 47) War Department dated July 20th, 1861
Brig Genl C. F. Smith, Comd

Head Quarters US Forces   Paducah, Ky Oct 6th, 1861
General Order No 19 } 1st - The Orderly hour at the Head Quarters is fixed at 12 o'clock noon (See paragraph 443 Gen Reg).
2nd - A limited number of the revised General Regulations for the Army (Edition of Aug 10th 1861) having been received and distributed it is desirous that all officers endeavor ar once to make themselves familiar with them at once.
3rd - The particular attention of the commanding officers is called to paragraph 449-450 and 451 Genl Regs and generally to article 34 on the subject of orders and correspondence.
By order of Brigadier General C. F.Smith

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 October 1861

Saturday, 5th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 3d Corth. 16th. Last night at 9 o'clock we were aroused but it was a false alarm. This morning attend the military school. In the evening drilled the co. in skirmishing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4 October 1861

Friday, 4th Rainy. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 2d Corth. 15. This morning I came off duty as officer of the day. Attended the Military School. Recited the 3 last lessons of the school of the co., then went to the hospital to get the certificate for discharge for Mathew Rayhill. We are fortifying the place very fast here. Our tents and blankets came yesterday, and 1000 pair of shoes. Various rumors but unfounded.

Monday, October 3, 2011

3 October 1861

October, Thursday, 3d 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 1st Corth. 14. To day I am officer of the day. Nothing of importance occurred during the day. At 12 P.M. I made the grand rounds. This morn we had recitation of a lesson in Hardee's Tactics.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his dairy entries...]

Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols Camp Paine

Oct 3rd 1861
General Order No 16 } The drummers of the several companies of this Regiment will report at Regimental Head Quarters at 9 o'clock A.M. of each day.
By order of Aug. Mersy, Lieut Col Com

Sunday, October 2, 2011

2 October 1861

Wednesday, 2nd Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 29 Corth 12. Engaged in skirmish drill this morning. Attended the officers school. Had battalion drill. Rumor of Johnston's approach.

[orders & circulars that Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols Camp Paine, Paducah, Ky
Oct 2nd, 1861
General Order No 16 } All fatigue parties for work on the fortifications or at the wharfboat will be paraded with their arms and equipments in fatigue uniform.
By order of Aug Mercy, Lieut. Col. Commanding