October, Thursday, 17th 1861 Rainy. Cron. 14-15 Corth. 12-13. This morning I rec. a letter from my brother Harvey stating that Luther, my youngest brother, and my brother-in-law, had enlisted; that my Mother was very low & that father is now left with only the girls with him. To day I wrote a letter for the Red Wing Republican. Had dress parade this eve. To day is the birth day of my oldest sister, Eliza. She is 28 years of age.
Oct 17th, 1861 H. C. Fike acknowledges the receipt of 40 Dollars from my schedule on township treasury. On the same date 15 dollars by letter from (??) also from treasury on schedule.
CMSR record cards for George Van Syckle and Martin L. Webb (NARA RG94, e519, 4 Minn Inf) |
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