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from the Diary of Capt Webb |
[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
[Consolidated Morning Report, Co F, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
Sunday, 6 April 1862 aggregates (Company F)
Present - On Duty (1 Captain , 0 First Lieutenant, 1 Second Lieutenant ; 5 Sgts, 7 Corpls, 2 Musicians; 44 Privates); Present - Sick (1 non-com, 8 Privates); Extra Duty (3 Privates);
Absent - w/leave (1 Officer ); Absent (5 detached, 2 w/leave, 9 sick); 2 Died
[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
Apl 6/62 in obedience to orders of Brig Comdr the 9 Regt marched forward at 8 o'clock A.M. today towards the left of our line of defense to assist in repelling an attack of the enemy. At 12 M the 9 Regt engaged a large body of the Rebels maintaining their position for ½ hour against vastly superior numbers when ammunition being expended the Regt withdrew in good order and in compliance with Brig Orders repaired to their camps to obtain another supply of cartridges. At 5 o'clock the Regt again engaged with the enemy. After a context of one hours duration the Regt in obedience to orders of Genl Comdg fell back bivouacking for the night on the field of battle.
[Morrison, p. 29]
On the morning on the 6th, at daylight, the enemy made a furious attack on Gen. Prentiss' Division. The enemy moved forward in echelon by Divisions, point foremost, the evident intention being to break, by a furious attack, the center of our line.
Our Division was held in reserve, and consequently did not reach the field of action until afternoon. …We were moved to the left of Prentiss' Division. On the way the Regiment met with hundreds of stragglers hastening in confusion to the sheltering cover of the river bank for protection. About fifty of these were pressed into our Regiment. Nearly all of them were killed or wounded during the day.
The Regiment held its place in the line for two hours, against a vastly superior force of the enemy. The 41st Ill. Inft. Was on our right, and the 12th Ill. Inft. On our left. The latter Regiment fell back three hundred yards, after being exposed to the fire of the enemy for over an hour. …our left flank was exposed to a flank movement of the enemy. Of this they took advantage, and poured a murderous fire down the ravine which we occupied. After holding this position until a new line was formed, three hundred yards in the rear, the Regiment fell back hastily behind it.
[Morrison, p. 32]
Company F - Killed, Sergt. And. J. Webster, Corps. Joshua Gear and Frank Pothast, Privates Demean McCulloch, John Chantick, Toliver Foster, Thos. Cox, Joseph Koontz, Geo. McLeish, Charles Hills, John W. Snopfr, Private of the 81st Ohio, name not known. In all, 13 killed. Wounded, Capt. Webb , Lieut. Geo. Williford, Sergt Jos. C. Gales and R. N. Heinberger, Corp. And. J. White, Privates John B. Choenewith, Jas. Rodgers, James Duncan, N. B. Winters, John McCarter, John Stutfouth, John H. Lauchly, James Getty, Jos. L. Miller, James Hobbs, Wm. T. Miller, John H. Collins, M. N. Fisher, , Harlow Bassett , Jas. M. Hickman, And. Grundin, Henry Grundin , R. Pimpkins , Geo. W. Warren , John M. Ticknor, Marcus Burns. In all, 26 wounded.
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