[Record of Events, Field & Staff and Companies, 9 Reg't Ill Inf]
May 8 In obedience with Brig Orders the Regt moved forward about 3 miles today and went into camp within 7 miles of Corinth, Miss formed a line of defense with the 12 Ill Vols on the left of the Reg & Hurlburts Division on the right.
[Orders and Circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Head Qrs, 2nd Brig Div. Army of the Tenn, May 8th, 1862
General Order No 12 } The Brigade will march at 12 o'clock to day. Order of march - 9th, 12th Illinois - 13 & 14th Missouri and 81st Ohio. The Regts will parade on their color line at ½ past Eleven o'clock. Baggage & Equipage loaded in the seven wagons. Ammunition in separate wagons. Brigade Q. Master will take charge of the Brigade train which includes ammunition & baggage wagons and will form and march them in rear of division. Ammunition wagons first following Buells Battery. The sick will be left in camp. Convalescents detailed for all necessary guards & for commissary stores & forage left behind.
By order of R. I. Oglesby, Brig Genl Comdg
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Map of Roads near Corinth, Mississippi, from NARA RG94, entry 287, miscellaneous, box 10, folder 97. |
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