Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1 September 1861

September, Sunday, 1st 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 5th Romans 2d. To day being Sunday we had no drill, but I went to church. Heard a good sermon. Preached from 1st Peter 1st Chp. 3-4 vrs.

[Editor : a copy of dated orders that Loren would, or should, have been issued, concurrent with his diary entry...]
General Orders No. 2, Head Quarters, Western Kentucky, US Army,
Paducah, Ky., Sept 1st, 1861
1st the Commandants of Regiments & detached companies will by 10 o'clock A.M. today report the strength of their respective commands, their supplies of subsistence & the means of transportation & forage if any at hand.
II. Until further orders 1st Lieut Newsham 9th Regt will perform the duties of assistant adjutant general, & 1 Lieut W. G. Pinkard same regiment will perform the duties of Brigade Quartermaster & commissary for this Division of the army. They will be obeyed & respected accordingly
The commandants of Regiments & Detached Companies will furnish copies of General orders No 1 issued from their Head Quarters on the 5th inst to their respective commands.
By order Brig General E. A. Paine

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

31 August 1861

Saturday, 31st Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 4 Romans 1st. Nothing of importance to day.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

30 August 1861

Friday, 30th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 3d Acts 28. Went out to shoot at target. Engaged in skirmish drill for the first time.

Monday, August 29, 2011

29 August 1861

August, Thursday, 29th 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. 1st Chron. 2 Acts 27. Nothing but the regular drill to day. The weather is fair once more.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

28 August 1861

Wednesday, 28th Rainy.  E.I.R.B. 1st Chron. 1 Acts 26. The weather is still cloudy and rainy. No rumors. All is quiet considering the state of the country.