Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Friday, November 4, 2011

5 November 1861

Tuesday, 5th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 36 Col. 4. Nothing of importance this morning. I commenced taking lessons in the sword exercise this morning. In the evening we received orders to prepare three days rations ahead and to have knapsacks packed, ready to move at short notice. This eve I was in town and smoked a different cigar to any that I ever before smoked, Langfreid Leafjack.

[orders and circulars Loren would,or should, have seen concurrent with his dairy entries...]

Head Quarters 9th Regiment, Paducah, Ky, Nov 5th, 1861, General Order No. 26
In obedience to General Order of Brigade Commander, 1st Brigade Ills. Vols. Captains Commanding Co's will provide their commands with three days rations of hard bread and cooked meat and will be careful that that amount is always on hand.  From tomorrow the picket-guard will be mounted with packed knapsacks.  No leave of absence will be granted to leave Camp except on duty - until further orders.
By order of Aug Mersey, Lt. Col Comyd

Brigade Order No 11, Head Quarters, I Brigade US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Nov. 5, 1861
Comdg Officer, 9th Regiment - You will send to these Head Quarters within two (2) hours a statement of the entire amount of ammunition on hand and also the full amount of transportation in your regiment.
By order of Brig Genl E. A. Paine

4 November 1861

November, Monday, 4th 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 33d Col. 3d. Nothing of importance transpired to day. We had no drill for the boys were fixing their kitchens. To day I resolved to myself that I would yield to the invitations to take a drink of liquor no more and by the blessing of God I shall abstain from the fashionable tippling among the officers.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his dairy entries...]

Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ills Vols   Paducah, Ky Nov 4th, 1861
General Order No 26 } The officers and men of the several companies in this regiment not now in tents will immediately move into tents provided for them in this camp.
By order of Aug Mersy, Lieut Col Comdg

Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 November 1861

Sunday, 3d Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 32 Colos. 2d. This morning I was detailed to act as officer of the day. Nothing of interest transpired. In the eve I bought a paper and read of the retirement of Gen. Winfield Scott which took place on the first inst. Notwithstanding his advanced age, I felt bad to hear that he had retired at so critical a time. We have indeed never been deprived of one of the ablest military chieftains that modern history can boast of, a true patriot, an able General in the field, and a wise counselor in the cabinet. He has faithfully served his country and I am glad that the old man is to be supported in his old age by a continuation of his pay and allowances. He leaves Gen. McClellan in command, who will do well.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Head Quarters US Forces   Paducah, Ky Nov 3rd, 1861
Brigade Order No 10 } Colonel John McArthur of the 12th Regiment Ills Vols is hereby assigned to the command of this Brigade during the absence of the Brigadier General.
By order of Brig Gen E. A. Paine

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 November 1861

Saturday, 2nd Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 31 Colos. 1st. To day we were engaged in pitching tents for the right wing of the battalion. Nothing of importance took place till night then a fire broke out and consumed a frame house. I did not attend the fire for I thought perhaps there was a design in it, therefore I remained at the camp.

Nov – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 2d, Mr. Perry Dew, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Oct 26
November 2, Rev H. Webb, Wabashaw, Minn., sent Oct 29

Nov – 1861 List of Letters written  by Capt. L. Webb
November 2, Miss H. Richardson, Mascoutah, Ills.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1 November 1861

November, Friday, 1st 1861 Rainy. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 30th Phil. 4th. This morning the weather is cold and rainy. It continued to rain all day. One of my men, Albert Baily died last night, also one of Co. G. To day we buried them, the two processions going together. To day C. F. Springer came and Isiah Dunnigan also. I went to their room and spent the evening with them. I wrote a letter to day to Miss Molly Rankin for C. Saltmarsh.

Oct – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
November 1, Mr. Allen Marshall, Brighton, Ills., sent Oct 28

Monday, October 31, 2011

31 October 1861

Thursday, 31st Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 29 Phil. 3d. This morning we had inspection by Col. Mersy, then we were mustered by Gen. Paine. At 2 P.M. we had brigade review. The 9th, 12, 40, 41, Buell's Battery, Geilman's cavalry were all reviewed by Gen. Paine and staff. We then marched through the city several times. This evening I was out in town. Saw some of the displays of the art of mesmerism by Lieut. Fetter upon a lady.

Oct – 1861 List of Letters rec. by Capt. L. Webb
October 31, Miss Helen Rayhill, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Oct 22
October 31, Miss Hettie Richardson, Mascoutah, Ills., sent Oct 24

Sunday, October 30, 2011

30 October 1861

October, Wednesday, 30th 1861 Pleasant. E.I.R.B. II Cron. 28th Phil. 2d. Nothing very [interesting] to day except the burial of some of our boys. L. Demnegan was buried to day, also another man of co. G. which is the 3d this week. This evening I spent reading the History of England and as I sat reading about 9 P.M. when all was still, the band of the 11th Ind. reg. began to play old Hundred. They played it beautifully and as the sound arose on the still night air nearly 1/2 mile distant, it excited my feelings of adoration. I thought I had never before heard such music.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
General Order No. 25, Head Quarters 9th Regiment Ill Vols, Paducah, Ky, Oct 30th, 1861
The commanders of the several companies in the regiment will parade their respective commands prepared for muster and inspection.  Accoutrements, knapsacks &c, &c, before regimental head quarters at 7½ o'clock A.M. on the 31st inst.
By order of Aug Mersy, Lt. Col Com.