Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Saturday, May 5, 2012

5 May 1862

Monday, 5th Rainy in the morning, but pleasant in the after part of the day. We landed at Pittsburg Landing this morning and I went ashore and found our train here from the regiment and put my trunk on a wagon and rode with them to the regiment which was at Monterey, about 12 miles from the river. Owing to high water in a creek we could not get to the regt. to day but camped till morning. I read the first five chapters of Proverbs to day.

Friday, May 4, 2012

4 May 1862

Sunday, 4th E.I.R.B. Psalms from 120 to the close of the book, 150. I enjoyed myself well last night singing religious hymns and listening to the prayer of a preacher from Chicago and this morning I feel that God's love fills my heart and I feel glad on this the Lord's day. We had a sermon to day at 10 A.M., also at 3 P.M. and both were listened to very attentively. We arrived at Pittsburg Landing at 9 P.M. then went to Hamburg, disembarked a Wis. Battery, then returned to Pittsburg Landing. The weather has been rainy all day.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

3 May 1862

May, Saturday, 3d 1862 Pleasant until evening then slight rain. E.I.R.B. Psalms 112 to 121. This morning the boat lay at the wharf till 8 A.M. at Paducah, then went to take on coal and I went up into the city. Called upon Miss Garrett, then called to see Col. Phillips, also Sidney Phillips, who were wounded, and at Mr. Husband's. I saw several of my friends. Took dinner at the St. Francis Hotel. Gov. Yates and several others rode over the city on horse back. At 2 P.M. we embarked and started up the river, the Gov. taking much care of Mrs. Reynolds, who is commissioned Major for her efforts to care for the wounded at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing. Miss Safford came on board here also and began her works of mercy. We had singing and prayers to night. The Gov. spoke a few words. All is joy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 May 1862

Friday, 2nd Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Psalms 101 to 111. Last night the boat arrived at Cairo. We laid here all day. At night we started up the river again and reached Paducah near morning. The news confirming the taking of N. Orleans on the 26th ult. came to day. I resolved to be more religious to day and never to take any more liquor or to give way to wrong habits. One year to day we came here from Springfield as a regiment.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1 May 1862

May, Thursday, 1st 1862 Pleasant. This morning after breakfast, I took the cars for St. Louis. Arrived here at 8½ A.M. The steamer Champion was about starting and I got aboard. The Champion had been set apart for Gov. Yates of Ills. and his suite. I had not time to procure passes before starting so I applied to the Gov. to give me a pass and he did so. I saw and talked with the secretary of Ills., Mr. Hatch, also Judge Moses. In the evening Senator Harlan's wife, of Iowa, introduced herself to me and I had quite a talk with her, also Mrs. Phales of Washington City. They are both engaged in the Hospital department. Our trip to day was very pleasant and beautiful. When we stopped to wood the Gov. and several other gents and ladies took a walk on the shore and gathered some May flowers. In the eve the ladies sung and all was nice.

Monday, April 30, 2012

30 April 1862

Wednesday, 30th Pleasant. Last night I made ready to leave and started this morning on the hack for Belleville. I arrived at this place at 10 A.M. Took dinner at Mr. W. W. Mitchell’s. After dinner I had a talk with Mrs. M., then called to see Lieut. F. E. Scheel. Attended the aid society at night then returned and stopped all night at Rev. W. Mitchell’s. My eyes are quite sore this morning.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

29 April 1862

Tuesday, 29th Pleasant. I went to the country this morning. Helped J. Barnes thresh then attended a party at J. Rayhill's. Went to town and stopped all night at H. C. Fike's.