Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 December 1861

Friday, 27th Attended the court again to day. Spent the evening with Miss Gibson.

26 December 1861

Thursday, 26th Pleasant. The court assembled again this morning. This eve the officers of the 9th regt. met at Mr. Volinger's. Had egg nog and several speeches, then we serenaded Gen. Smith, also Miss Carry Garrett.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

General Order No. 46, Headquarters US Forces, Paducah, Kentucky Dec 26th, 1861
It has been brought to the notice of the Brig Genl Commanding much to his surprise that officers and men are in many cases residing out of the camps of their regiments in defiance of all military propriety. Commanders of regiments and corps will therefore see that within the next twenty-four hours every officer and soldier without exception who may be occupying houses outside of his regimental limits be required to go into tents and that no officer or soldier be permitted to violate the 42nd Article of War by sleeping out of his Quarters. Brigade Commanders will by Inspection and inquiry see that this order is duly enforced.
By order of Brig General C. F. Smith

Sunday, December 25, 2011

25 December 1861

Wednesday, 25th Pleasant. This morning I have a very sore throat. I had Lieut. Craig cauterize it. I went to tell Gen. Paine farewell. In the eve we had a grand supper at our mess. I went to a party in the eve also.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Genl Orders No 23, Head Quarters District of Cairo. Cairo, Dec 25th, 1861
In accordance with the requirements of army regulations the troops of this command will be mustered for pay on Tuesday the 31st instant commencing at 10 o'clock A.M. Each regimental or detachment command will act as inspecting officer for his immediate command under the supervision of Brigade or Post Commanders.
By order of Brig Genl U. S. Grant, Comdg

General Orders No 24, Head Quarters District of Cairo. Cairo, December 25th, 1861
In accordance with instructions received from Hd. Quarters of the Army, all blankets below the regulation weight which have been issued to the troops, may on being condemned, be turned in to the Quarter Master's Department and others of the regulation weight issued in their stead. Those returned may be used for Hospital Department or for Horse blankets.
By order of Brig Gebl U. S. Grant, Comdg