Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Saturday, September 17, 2011

17 September 1861

Tuesday, 17th Pleasant. This morning I find my self quite poor. We were ordered to be ready to march at a moments notice, but did not march. Several pieces of artillery arrived to day. A rumor of a battle here hurried many of the people out of the place to day.

Friday, September 16, 2011

16 September 1861

Monday, 16th Rainy. Last night I was sick. Arose this morn and was detailed as officer of the day. I discharged the duties till night, then my health was so poor that I was excused. Came to my qrts. Quite sick all the night.

[order and circulars Loren would, of should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]
Order No. 3, Sept 16th, 1861, Headquarters Camp Paine
Captains of Companies when absenting themselves from their commands, will notify the second in command as to the time when he will be absent & one commissioned officer will at all times be present with the Company. The order is imperative & will be strictly enforced. All officers will be held responsible for its enforcement. By order of Aug Mersy, Lt. Col. Comd 9th Regt I. V.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

15 September 1861

Sunday, 15th E.I.R.B. Cron. 12 Rom. 12. To day we buried one of my men, Mathew McAllester, killed by a blow on the head.

Sept. 15th, 1861, H. C. Fike acknowledges the receipt of Eighty-one dollars per my schedule on township treasury.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 September 1861

Saturday, 14th Pleasant. We engaged in battalion drill. To day a paper was published by the soldiers from the secession office. Took in 15 men to day.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entry...]
General Order No 10, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky., Sept 14th, 1861
1 - Existing Genl Orders from the war department requiring revellle to be at daylight.  Commanding Officers will govern themselves accordingly.
2d - Com. Officers of Regts will exert themselves to the utmost inhaving enforced the duties of Guards & Sentinels as laid down in the Genl Regulations of the Army until the men are well instructed.  To this end they will require all that is laid down in Article 33 of the Regulation to be read daily to the Regimental Guard by the officer of the day.  Also so much of Article 29 as may be applicable.
3d - Commanding officers are required to examine the regulations for the army particularily before approving and forwarding to the Hd Qrs requisitions for supplies. They are refered to Form No 40, page 182 for all articles furnished by the Qr Masters Dept making requisitions for clothing & equipage separate from those for Qr Masters Stores for ordnanse & ordnance stores.  They examine Form No 22 page 395 for medicine & Form No 2 page 355
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

13 September 1861

Friday, 13th Pleasant. E.I.R.B. Cron. 10-11 Rom. 10-11. The gunboat Conestoga sunk the rebel boat Yankee. No more news to day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

12 September 1861

Thursday, 12th Pleasant. Nothing but drilling to day. Some rumors of a battle below.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entry...]

General Orders No 8, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, KY, Sept 12th, 1861
All means of transportation brought by the troops must be turned over to the Dept Quarter Mast (Lt Pinckard) who will allow one wagon & team (or its equivalent) to each Regt or Corps.
By order C F Smith

General Orders No 9
It is imperatively required by the commanding general that Morning Reports of Regiments & detached Companies be delivered at these Headquarters as early as 10 o'clock each morning.
By order Brig Genl C F Smith

11 September 1861

Wednesday, 11th Rainy. It being very rainy to day we took up quarters in a vacated dwelling house. The 11th Ind. reg. arrived to day and two cavalry companies, one of the reg. army, one volunteer.

[orders and circulars Loren would. or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entry...]

Circular, Headquarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Sept 11th, 1861
These Head Quarters will be removed this morning to the brick building on Broadway just above Hospital Street.  Your attention is called to our circular of the 9th calling for a list of Commissioned officers which must be sent in forthwith.
By order of Brig Genl. C. F. Smith

Genl Orders No 7, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Kentucky, sept 11th, 1861
1 - The Marine Hospital is set apart as a General Hospital for this force and is placed under charge of Surgeon S. M. Hamilton of the 9th Regt Ill Vols who will be assisted by (blank).
2 - The earth works intended to cover the front of this place will be prosecuted with the utmost activity (day and night) under the supervision of Col webster acting as Chief Engineer.  Should there be a deficiency of tools the acting Chief Qr Master Lt Pincham will purchase them.
3 - A guard of one Sergeant, one corporal & twelve privates will be furnished be each regiment in turn, daily for these Head Quarters at the usual hour for guard mounting.
4 - The field officer of the day will repair daily for orders at the usual hour for guard mounting.
By order Brig Genl Smith

10 September 1861

Tuesday, 10th Pleasant till night. This morning I took two men, went to the house of E. B. Jones and seized 6 kegs of powder. The 23d Ind. reg. arrived here to day.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entry...]
Head Quarters No 6, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Sept 10th, 1861
It is hereby ordered that Guard Mounting shall take place between the hours of 8 & 9 o'clock each morning.  The old guard will discharge their guns in some safe place 9 ½ o'clock precisely.  The discharging of firearms except in case of attack or as specified in this order is strictly prohibited.  The regimental commands will have this order strictly enforced.
By order Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Sept 10th, 1861
Special Order No, The Commandant of the Reg stationed at Paducah will comply strictly with and furnish all details of made from these head quarters of men, teams & co.
By order of Brig Genl C F Smith

Special Order, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Sept 10th, 1861
The commandants of Reg will in all cases send a non-commissioned officer with all details of men, who will be held responsible for their good behavior & who in case is to absent himself from the men.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith