Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 September 1861

Saturday, 14th Pleasant. We engaged in battalion drill. To day a paper was published by the soldiers from the secession office. Took in 15 men to day.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entry...]
General Order No 10, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky., Sept 14th, 1861
1 - Existing Genl Orders from the war department requiring revellle to be at daylight.  Commanding Officers will govern themselves accordingly.
2d - Com. Officers of Regts will exert themselves to the utmost inhaving enforced the duties of Guards & Sentinels as laid down in the Genl Regulations of the Army until the men are well instructed.  To this end they will require all that is laid down in Article 33 of the Regulation to be read daily to the Regimental Guard by the officer of the day.  Also so much of Article 29 as may be applicable.
3d - Commanding officers are required to examine the regulations for the army particularily before approving and forwarding to the Hd Qrs requisitions for supplies. They are refered to Form No 40, page 182 for all articles furnished by the Qr Masters Dept making requisitions for clothing & equipage separate from those for Qr Masters Stores for ordnanse & ordnance stores.  They examine Form No 22 page 395 for medicine & Form No 2 page 355
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

1 comment:

  1. This paper that Loren mentions is the Union Picket Guard, published in the offices of the defunct Paducah Herald. A copy from late October 1861 is in the holdings of the Chicago Historical Society.
