Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve, 24 December 1861

December, Tuesday, 24th 1861 The court adjourned to day at 12. 1 went to the posy garden in the after noon.  In the eve went to the seminary and had a pleasant time with some ladies. Gen. Paine was ordered to day to go to Birds Point.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

General Order No. 44, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Kentucky, Dec 24, 1861
On Christmas and New Years Days ensuing, all fatigue duty and military exercise - General duty of course excepted - will be suspended.
By order of Brig. Genl. C. F. Smith

General order No 45, Head Quarters US Forces., Paducah, Ky, Dec 24th 1861
1st - On the 31st inst the troops will parade in full marching order for review by the Brig Genl commanding .  Should the weather prove raw or inclement the greatcoat will be worn. The troops will be in line of Battle at 9 ½ o'clock A.M.  The first Brigade will form in Oak St.  and the Second Brigade on Locust Street both facing from the river and the right of each resting on Broadway St.  Should there not be space enough on the left for either brigade its right will  rest more towards Fort Anderson.  The marching salute will be made opposite these Head Quarters the troops moving up Broadway.
2nd - After passing the reviewing office the troops will be conducted by the Brigade Commander to some appropriate place for inspection and muster for payment for the months of November and December.
3rd - On the 31st inst the Regimental guard will be turned off at 4 o'clock P.M. and the Picket Guards immediately thereafter
Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Special Order No 16, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Dec 24th, 1861
1 - Pursuant to instructions from the Head Quarters of the Dept of the Missouri Brig Genl E. A. Paine is transferred to Cairo.  He is accordingly relieved from duty at this post and after turning over all the records, orders, &c., pertaining to his Brigade, to the Senior Colonel will with his personal staff, proceed to Cairo and report to Brig Genl Grant, the Commander of the District of Cairo.
2 - Col Jno. McArthur , 12th Ills Regt, the Sen. Colonel is the 1st Brigade will immediately assume command of the same vice Brig Genl Paine relieved.  The Chief of Staff of the First Brigade, to wit : Capt Hance, Baxter and Davis and Brigade Surgeon Hartshorn will immediately report in person to Col. McArthur for orders.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Head Quarters Dept of the Mo.  St. Louis, Mo., December 24th, 1861
Special Orders No 90 (extract) } VII.  The resignation of 1st Lieut Ernest J. Weyrich 9th Ills Vols is hereby accepted to take effect this day.
By order of Major Genl Halleck

Friday, December 23, 2011

23 December 1861

Monday, 23d Cool & pleasant. The court convened again this morning. Gen. Totten was here and reviewed the artillery here. Col. Davis captured 1300 rebels at Wilmot, Mo. last week.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Circular, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Dec 23rd, 1861
Commanding Officers of Regiments and detached Companies will send in immediately a report of the kind, no & caliber of the arms of their commands and the amounts of ammunition on hand for each to be reported by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Headquarter District of Cairo, Cairo, December 23rd,1861
Circular } Hereafter in order that there may be no difficulty in conveying the sick to the Genl Hospital in Mound City and the return of the convalescent to their companies the Steamer 'B' when available and the Rob Roy when she is not available will make tri-weekly trips between Cairo & Hospital as follows : Will leave Cairo at 10 o'clock P.M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays returning as soon as authorized by the Surgeon in charge. The attention of Company commanders is again called to the necessity of furnishing Descriptive Rolls for all sick sent to the General Hospital. The Surgeon at Hospital will report all cases of neglect to comply with this paragraph.
By order of Brig Genl U. S. Grant, Comdg.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

22 December 1861

Sunday, 22nd Rainy. E.I.R.B. 3d John & Jude. We had preaching to day in the college building by Mr. Jackson. A rumor of the defeat of Price is still afloat. I called on Miss Gibson.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

21 December 1861

Saturday, 21st Cold and stormy. The court convened again this morning at 9 o'clock. The regular cavalry burned the mill 2 miles beyond Mayfield on the night of the 20th inst. A rumor this eve that Gen. Pope has whipped Price.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Special Order No 83, Head Quarters Dept of the Missouri. St. Louis, Dec 21st, 1861
A Board of Officers is hereby appointed to meet at Cairo, Ill. On Thursday the 26th day of Dec 1861 at 10 o'clock A.M. or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine the capacity, qualifications, propriety of conduct, and efficiency of any commissioned officer of Volunteers who may be reported to the Board.
Detail for the Board :
1. Col. James D. Morgan, 10th Ills. Vols.
2. Col. W. H. L. Wallace, 11th Ills. Vols.
3. Lieut Col H. E. Hart, 22nd Ills. Vols.
4. Capt. Exra Taylor, Taylor's Battery
The Board will sit without regard to hours.
By order of Maj. Genl.halleck

Abraham Lincoln. War Department, Washington, December 21, 1861.
Sir: I have the honor to propose for your approbation the following list of regular promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States: IV. APPOINTMENTS MADE IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE CALLED INTO SERVICE UNDER THE ACTS APPROVED JULY 22 AND 24, 1861. General officers. Eleazer Paine, of Illinois, to be brigadier-general, September 3, 1861.

20 December 1861

Friday, 20th Pleasant. The court met again this morning. I called upon Dr. Huet, the Medical purveyor, this eve. No military news of importance.

Monday, December 19, 2011

19 December 1861

Thursday, 19th Pleasant. Attended the court martial again to day. Gen. Cullum arrived here this eve. I heard by letter that Luther is afflicted and in the hospital at Fort Abercrombie, Dakota.

List of letters recv by Capt. L. Webb 1861 x 1862
Dec 18 - George Vansyckle, Fort Abercrombie, Da, sent Dec 7

Sunday, December 18, 2011

18 December 1861

Wednesday, 18th Pleasant. Met with the court this morning. At noon I called upon Mr. Ely, a private of co. K who is very sick. In the eve we had a meeting of the officers at the Col.'s qrts. Requested Lieut. Weirick to resign. I have suffered some from sore throat to day. I took a remedy just before retiring.

[orders and circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Genl Order No 43, Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Dec 18th, 1861
1 - It has been brought to the notice of the Cmdg. General that the Surgeon's report of sick in some of the Regt's differ materially from the number reported sick on the morning report of the Regt's. This arises from the great impropriety of Commanders of Companies placing them on the sick report with reference to the surgeons and in some instances when the surgeon has refused to recognize them as sick. Comdg. Officers of Regts will see that this irregularity is corrected at once. No one - Officer or Soldier - will be reported sick who is not so reported to the Surgeon. In this connection it is well to announce the well established usage that Commanders of Comps have no authority to excuse any one under their command from duty of any description or grant indulgence their duty is to instruct those under them and to enforce discipline. If any one seeks an indulgence the Capt. Or Commanders of the Company would approve or disapprove and forward it for action of the Regimental Commander. This principal applies to all executive Officers. The Officer of the Day for example they are to instruct and to enforce obedience to orders but not to grant indulgences.
2 - The attention of Regimental commanders is called to Paragraph 347 of Army Regulations (Revised Edition) which requires all field and comp. Officers and men to be present at Dress Parade.
3 - With the exception of such of the hospital attendants as the Surgeon may think necessary for his duties, every soldier on extra or daily duty in the different regiments will be required to attend the Sunday morning inspection of his company.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith