Search The Diary of Loren Webb

Friday, October 7, 2011

7 October 1861

Monday, 7th Pleasant. This morning I was detailed for officer of the day and had no time to read my bible. This morning there was heavy firing heard in the vicinity of Columbus. The rumor came also of the surrender of New Orleans. The Ohio River is rising very fast here and is doing some damage here.

[orders & circulars Loren would, or should, have seen concurrent with his diary entries...]

Head Quarters US Forces, Paducah, Ky, Oct 7th, 1861, Special Order No 55
A garrison in face of an enemy liable to attack at any moment is no place for Women and Children.  Commanders of Brigades will therefore require the immediate departure from this post of the families of Officers and soldiers should there be any within the limits of the command.
By order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith

Head Quarters US Forces  Paducah, Ky
Oct 7th, 1861
Lieutenant Colonel Mersy Commanding 9th Regiment Ills Vol } Dear Sir : In accordance to order of Brig Genl C. F. Smith commanding at Paducah, the Regimental Commissary will until further orders estimate for one ration of Pilot bread to two rations of flour.  Will you please observe that this returns are made out in accordance with this order.

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